Saturday 6 May 2017


Personally, I feel that the thought of filming an opening sequence of the "FOUND FOOTAGE" sub-genre of horror was a great idea. I saw this as an opportunity to boost the image of this type of sub-genre, as it is not a popular sub-genre. 
This was a very smart and vital choice that the group had made, because it was our chance to be unique from the rest of the class, who were doing typical sub-genres of horror, using villains and blood etc. Though these might be the face of horror in general, the Found Footage sub-genre is more interesting. In EVERY horror film, a tripod is used. However, the majority of Found Footage films are filmed using a video camera, and that being controlled by hand as well, giving the person holding the camera freedom. Using a tripod is limited, and using a handheld camera is limitless in terms of rules.

Also, I had contributed an idea to my group that there should be more shots of "THE FAMOUS ESPERO APARTMENT", rather than myself as the news reporter. This is the exact feedback our media teachers had given to us. I had also recommended when my shots should be suitable in our opening sequence, and when they should appear.

Overall, I would say that I felt confident with what the group chose to film upon, as we all had the same approach and feelings towards it. The Found Footage film we had done allows us to think outside the box and be creative. This is my most favourite sub-genre of horror and I feel that the group had made an excellent decision on what topic we should be filming on. I believe that this was the correct step that the group had taken.

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